Harrison County Amplify Tour Survey May 31, 2024 The results of this survey will be reviewed during the meeting in Harrison County. Participants will have the opportunity to participate in an open dialogue on subjects unique to their region. If your organization is not located within the region, but actively works within this region, your participation in this survey is also welcomed. This survey is 14 questions in length and should take approximately 12 minutes to complete. While we hope you will complete the entire survey, you are welcome to respond only to questions applicable to you and/or your organization. This survey is 14 questions in length and should take approximately 12 minutes to complete. While we hope you will complete the entire survey, you are welcome to respond only to questions applicable to you and/or your organization. 1. Mississippi's economy is headed in the right direction.Strongly disagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly agree2. Mississippi is doing a good job preparing the workforce that businesses need.Strongly disagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly agree3. Mississippi has an environment that encourages entrepreneurs and businesses to innovate.Strongly disagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly agree4. Access to affordable/quality childcare is a barrier to entering the workforce.Strongly disagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly agree5. The Mississippi Gulf Coast's economy is headed in the right direction.Strongly disagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly agree6. The Mississippi Gulf Coast is doing a good job preparing the workforce that businesses need.Strongly disagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly agree7. The Mississippi Gulf Coast has an environment that encourages entrepreneurs and businesses to innovate.Strongly disagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly agreeMultiple Choice Questions8. Investments in Mississippi's transportation infrastructure are important to get products and services to customers. Where do you think Mississippi should be concentrating its investments? Building and maintaining roads and bridges Ports Expanding freight rail Improving aviation Other 9. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the increasing importance of broadband infrastructure to the continuity of the economy, health care, education, and our government. As Mississippi seeks greater broadband access for under-served communities, who is leading the expansion efforts in your region? Private sector Federal government State government Local government Partnership between all the above Do not know 10. What is the best way for Mississippi to improve advanced manufacturers in your region? Increase the number of business ready sites for development Offer more attractive economic development incentives Build the workforce of the future for these opportunities Invest in research and development to grow these opportunities organically Other 11. Which of these tools would be the most helpful for your business to encourage hiring veterans as they transition out of the military? Veterans mentoring services (Create onboarding programs to assist transition of veteran new hires) Career assistance (job fairs, resume building, interview prep, etc.) Standard definition of military skill sets that translate to civilian industries Tax incentives for hiring veterans Other 12. What is Mississippi’s greatest barrier to affordable and quality housing? Low inventory Population density Regulatory structure Insurance Housing Cost Other Please Rank the following Questions13. What is most appealing to you regarding Mississippi's business climate?Please rank your top three answers in 10a - 10c. 13a. Based on the "Business Climate" question above, please click on your FIRST choice from the list below: Talented workforce Tax structure & incentives Transportation infrastructure Geographic location 13b. Based on the "Business Climate" question above, please click on your SECOND choice from the list below: Talented workforce Tax structure & incentives Transportation infrastructure Geographic location 13c. Based on the "Business Climate" question above, please click on your THIRD choice from the list below: Talented workforce Tax structure & incentives Transportation infrastructure Geographic location 14. What is the most important component of health care to businesses and their workforce?Please rank your top three answers in 11a - 11c. 14a. Based on the "Healthcare/Workforce" question above, please click on your FIRST choice from the list below: Accessibility Affordability and the total cost of care Quality of care Healthy workforce Health care mandates and regulations 14b. Based on the "Healthcare /Workforce" question above, please click on your SECOND choice from the list below: Accessibility Affordability and the total cost of care Quality of care Healthy workforce Health care mandates and regulations 14c. Based on the "Healthcare/Workforce" question above, please click on your THIRD choice from the list below: Accessibility Affordability and the total cost of care Quality of care Healthy workforce Health care mandates and regulations 15. Which area do you think has the most impact on Mississippi's overall economic competitiveness?Please rank your top three answers in 12a - 12c. 15a. Based on the "Overall Competitiveness " question, above please click on your FIRST choice from the list below: Workforce and Workforce Training Education - K-12 Education - Post Secondary Education Business Climate Transportation Health Care Innovation & Technology Talent Retention and Attraction Advanced Manufacturing 15b. Based on the "Overall Competitiveness " question above, please click on your SECOND choice from the list below: Workforce and Workforce Training Education - K-12 Education - Post Secondary Education Business Climate Transportation Health Care Innovation & Technology Talent Retention and Attraction Advanced Manufacturing 15c. Based on the "Overall Competitiveness " question above, please click on your THIRD choice from the list below: Workforce and Workforce Training Education - K-12 Education - Post Secondary Education Business Climate Transportation Health Care Innovation & Technology Talent Retention and Attraction Advanced Manufacturing 16. Which of the following would have the most impact on bridging the gap that exists between education and workforce?Please rank your top three answers in 13a - 13c. 16a. Based on the "Bridging the Gap" question above, please click on your FIRST choice from the list below: K-12 accountability model that balances, academics and careers Increasing access to financial aid Providing information on career pathways for middle school students Providing work base learning opportunities 16b. Based on the "Bridging the Gap" question above, please click on your SECOND choice from the list below: K-12 accountability model that balances, academics and careers Increasing access to financial aid Providing information on career pathways for middle school students Providing work base learning opportunities 16c. Based on the "Bridging the Gap" question above, please click on your THIRD choice from the list below: K-12 accountability model that balances, academics and careers Increasing access to financial aid Providing information on career pathways for middle school students Providing work base learning opportunities 17. Which method do you feel is the most effective way to equip career coaches to bridge the gap between business and education, thereby better preparing students for the workforce?Please rank your top three answers in 14a - 14c. 17a. Based on the "Career Coach" question above, please click on your FIRST choice from the list below. Providing specialized training and workshops for career coaches Establishing mentorship programs between business professionals and educators Integrating business-specific curriculum into educational programs Implementing job-shadowing opportunities for students Offering networking events and industry connections for career coaches and educators 17b. Based on the "Career Coach" question above, please click on your SECOND choice from the list below. Providing specialized training and workshops for career coaches Establishing mentorship programs between business professionals and educators Integrating business-specific curriculum into educational programs Implementing job-shadowing opportunities for students Offering networking events and industry connections for career coaches and educators 17c. Based on the "Career Coach" question above, please click on your THIRD choice from the list below. Providing specialized training and workshops for career coaches Establishing mentorship programs between business professionals and educators Integrating business-specific curriculum into educational programs Implementing job-shadowing opportunities for students Offering networking events and industry connections for career coaches and educators Please list the County you represent.(Required) NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Share This PageTweet