Leadership Mississippi is an annual program of the Mississippi Economic Council conducted by the M.B. Swayze Foundation. Participants, selected by a committee of MEC’s Leadership Mississippi Alumni, work together in a training program that combines individual study, group sessions, and project experience in using leadership skills. Leadership Mississippi is endowed through a generous contribution by the late J.C. and Annie Redd. J.C. Redd was Chairman of the Mississippi Economic Council in 1973-74 when the program began.
Leadership Mississippi is the second oldest statewide leadership program in the nation. Since its inception in 1974, Leadership Mississippi has graduated more than 1,300 alumni active in Mississippi business and politics. Mississippi's top business executives, community leaders, and elected officials have participated in Leadership Mississippi as a way to expand their networks and possibilities for future success.
Leadership Mississippi's goal is to develop and maintain a network of Mississippians committed to strengthening our state's quality of life. Leadership Mississippi's objectives are to identify Mississippians who have demonstrated leadership potential through job-related and community activities, to train participants by sharpening their leadership skills and to motivate participants by increasing awareness of community and state challenges, involving participants in problem-solving activities on issues of current interest, and providing a network of leaders across the state who are actively involved in improving Mississippi's quality of life.
Leadership Mississippi welcomes applicants who are corporate level leaders, executives, emerging leaders, community leaders and new-to-Mississippi leaders who are interested in learning more about Mississippi and the issues that impact our state. Our goal is to develop and maintain a network of Mississippians committed to improving the quality of life in our state. Ideal candidates are those who are passionate not only about their communities but about Mississippi and its success. Even if you have participated in your local leadership program, Leadership Mississippi offers an opportunity for you to expand your knowledge of how local and state issues impact community development.
Participation in Leadership Mississippi is determined by a competitive application process with the number of applicants far exceeding the number of available openings. A selection committee will carefully review all Leadership Mississippi applications. The committee is particularly interested in the extent to which the applicant has been involved in his/her community and in the applicant's interest in continuing and/or expanding involvement at home and on a broader scale.
Preference will be given to candidates with a demonstrated history of:
- Reliability.
- Positions with a company or an organization which show a progression toward leadership or management.
- Significant achievement or accomplishments in career or community service.
- Status or position with company or organization.
- Work experience or other experience indicative of involvement in one or more areas of business, community, civic or government service.
- Additional consideration will be given to senior level leaders of organizations and graduates of local-based leadership programs.
Leadership Mississippi seeks to have class diversity among all ethnic groups, ages, genders, professions, backgrounds and geographic areas of the state.