Blueprint Mississippi is MEC's long-range economic development plan for Mississippi. It began as an extensive one-year, $1.25 million research project focusing on 12 Blueprint States (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas). The report looked at how Mississippi compares with the Blueprint States and how the state can better position itself for progress.
It was updated in 2011, and is now being implemented across the state based on the Blueprint Goals.
Strengthen and Expand Mississippi's Economy
Cultivate a More Robust Workforce in Mississippi
Support Mississippi's Creative Economy
Increase the Educational Achievement Level of Mississippians
Promote Health Care as an Economic Driver
Continually Develop Infrastructure for a Competitive Economy
Cultivate Diversity, Community Cooperation and Racial Reconciliation
Increase the Availability of Financial Capital
Improve Communication and Coordination among Public, Private and Non-Profit Leaders
Blueprint Mississippi focuses on four pillars for progress - and committees and task forces to implement goals and recommendations are being empanelled within these four important focus areas:

Blueprint Mississippi was an extensive one-year, $1.25 million research project focusing on 12 Blueprint States (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas). The report looks at how Mississippi compares with the Blueprint States and how the state can better position itself for progress. The goals for Blueprint Mississippi are:
- Improve Communication and Coordination among Public, Private and Non-profit Leaders
- Support Mississippi's Creative Economy
- Cultivate Diversity, Community Cooperation and Racial Reconciliation
- Strengthen and Expand Mississippi's Economy
- Increase the Educational Achievement Level of Mississippians
- Increase Availability of Financial Capital
- Promote Health Care as an Economic Driver
- Continually Develop the Infrastructure for a Competitive Economy and
- Cultivate a More Robust Workforce in Mississippi