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Learn How to Help Mississippians Affected by Major Disasters
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Learn How to Help Mississippians Affected by Major Disasters


The operating boards of the Mississippi Economic Council has listed the following positions as priorities for the 2018 legislative session:

Transportation Funding – MEC supports a practical approach to transportation funding that allows for immediate issues to be addressed at both the state and local level in order to maintain and preserve our state’s vital transportation infrastructure as long-term, sustainable funding solutions are sought.

Education Funding – MEC supports a funding formula for education that is fair to all districts. It should also focus on the needs of the student, place a strong emphasis on career-technical education, and provide funding stability for all districts.

Career-Technical Scholarships – MEC supports the creation of scholarships for students participating in career-technical training at the community colleges in Mississippi. This training should be in career fields that are determined to be in demand based on the job market in Mississippi.

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Mississippi Economic Council
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