Alumni Engagement Survey 2024 March 12, 2024 Leadership Mississippi Alumni Engagement Survey Thanks for participating in the Leadership Mississippi Alumni engagement survey. Your feedback and insight will help improve the programming and events that suit your needs and are of interest to you. 1. Gender2. Age 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 66 & older Other 3. Please list the county your business is located.4. What business industry best describe your work? Retail Food and Beverage Manufacturing Professional Services (Insurance, Real Estate, Financial planning) Banking STEM Governmnet Non-Profit Hospitality and Entertainment Health and Medical Services Tourism (Museums etc.) 5a. Do you attend Leadership Mississippi alumni events? Yes No 5b. If the answer is no, What are the primary barriers that prevent you from attending alumni events (Check all that apply) My work schedule. Time of the day the events are held. Day of the week the events are held. Location of events is not convenient. Do not feel connect to the program. The overall events are not appealing. 6. What type of events would you like to see Leadership Mississippi plan? Social events that allow to connect and engage with one another in a social setting Professional development events that seek to connect alumni. Community service events to serve and engage with the community. Other 7. What time of day best fits your schedule for Leadership Mississippi alumni events? Before business hours on weekdays. Lunch hour on weekdays. After business hours on weekdays. Other 8. What day of the week best fits your schedule for Leadership Mississippi alumni events? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Other 9. How often would you prefer to participate in alumni events related to the program? Quarterly Semi-annual Annually As needed Other 10. How likely are you to recommend the Leadership Mississippi program to others? Highly Likely Somewhat Likely Unlikely Highly Unlikely Other 11. What suggestions do you have for Alumni Engagement?12. Please share any success stories or achievements that you attribute, in part, to your participation in the program.13. Would you be interested in sponsoring future events based on your experience with Leadership Mississippi for the 2024 program year? Why or why not? Share This PageTweet