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Mississippi Education Company Helping to Deliver Student ACT WorkKeys® Job Skills Assessment Improvements

Brookhaven, Miss – Jumpstart Test Prep, through its ACT WorkKeys Review Program is helping educators across the state deliver impressive career readiness results for our emerging workforce. Developed by expert Mississippi educators, Jumpstart’s online curriculum platform provides realistic timed practice along with tips and strategies that are followed by actionable assessment data – all taking the guesswork out of readiness and enabling educators to focus on candidate deficiencies and deliver targeted remediation before testing.

Nationwide, more employers are requiring applicants to complete the ACT WorkKeys job skills assessment to reveal candidate aptitude in three primary areas: applied math, graphic literacy, and workplace documents. With successful completion of the assessment, applicants can earn a National Career Readiness Certificate indicating performance score levels of Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum.

“The WorkKeys Certificate reveals a good bit to an employer about a candidate’s skillset that cannot be uncovered through a traditional resume or interview,” said Sha Walker, CEO of Jumpstart Test Prep. “Higher scores equal higher skillsets that generally equal higher starting pay for more and more job candidates”. Our team has worked very hard to enable the most improvement in the least amount of review time for our educator partners. As with our Complete ACT Exam Review, there is no better curriculum and assessment platform to prepare for such an important test.”

Dr. Jake Hoskins of h² Analytics reviewed recent JTP program completion data and credential results for a number of schools implementing the review before testing. “The magnitude of results was especially strong when looking at the overall credential achievement for students completing full JTP Prep across all three areas of review where students were found to about double their chances of achieving Silver Certification or higher and about triple their chances of achieving Gold Certification or higher.”

Tommy Clopton, principal of Wesson Attendance Center utilizes the assessment results with the application process for employment in some areas of the Copiah School District. “ACT WorkKeys is a tool that our school district uses to gauge an applicant’s ability to perform the task needed to work with students in a non-certified position.  Student success and growth is a priority for all school districts, and ACT WorkKeys has enabled us to ensure that we have non-certified staff members in positions that they can assist in the growth and success of our students. It is important for students to perform their best on this assessment so that potential future employment opportunities are not missed,” Clopton commented.


“I am excited about the success that my students had this year using ACT WorkKeys Jumpstart Test Prep! The students were motivated to improve and proud of their score levels. I’m thankful that our district allowed us to implement the program this year, and I also appreciate our Jumpstart representative, who was very helpful in setting goals, analyzing data, and answering questions. Jumpstart is user-friendly and equips students with the tools needed to ascertain excellent scores! Thank you for your help!” Jessica Johnson, Teacher, Salem Attendance Center

“Jumpstart Test Prep’s ACT WorkKeys modules introduced my 9th and 10th grade students to very unfamiliar Workplace Documents interpretation and provided valuable practice in Graphic Literacy. 90% of students experienced marked growth in Applied Math skills from pre- to post- tests. Links to content and extra practice for missed items were invaluable for me and my students. I am thrilled with the results of our 1-week bootcamp using Jumpstart’s WorkKeys modules!” Leah Ann Peavey, National Board-Certified Teacher, Brookhaven High School Technical Center

“I very much enjoyed the program; it was easy to proctor and concise. The students didn’t even mind it too much, which is saying something! Thank you for all you and your staff are doing to support us and the program. Your staff is very helpful and always able to answer questions.” Sarah Webb, Assistant Principal, Noxapater Attendance Center

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