Why Join MEC? - Mississippi Economic Council
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Representation. Protection. Visibility.

As champions for Mississippi's future, MEC's priority issues aim to improve education, enhance workforce training and create a positive business climate to foster economic development.

At MEC, we are the voice of businesses in Mississippi. As a member, you are joining with other businesses in the state to help create a strong network of leaders and foster a positive atmosphere for businesses to thrive and succeed.

MEC is your voice at the Capitol so you don't have to leave your desk. MEC's legislative team tracks bills introduced in the Legislature on priority issues and delivers your messages to state leaders.

At MEC, we fight for legislation that will help your business grow stronger in Mississippi. Grassroots efforts by MEC helped pass tort reform in 2004 and helped to create a wonderful business environment in Mississippi, so much so that many businesses have chosen to locate here since tort reform laws have gone into effect. In 2012, MEC was again at the lead in helping push for reform in the state's worker's compensation laws, providing a stable environment for your business. Each year MEC works to ensure the state's tax laws are such that we maintain our competitiveness with other states. MEC is also a champion for education and workforce development, as we recognize the direct correlation between educational success and business success.

Depending upon the level of membership, you will also receive recognition on the MEC website, banners and sponsorships at our large meetings and priority seating at our events. Sponsorship opportunities are available to you at all major events and MEC Connect Web calls, giving your company visibility to our thousands of guests.

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Ready to Be Heard?

Mississippi Economic Council
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