Senator Robin Robinson on Thursday, April 25, 2024, led presentation of Senate Resolution 98, celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Mississippi Economic Council (MEC), and Senate Resolution 96 celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Mississippi Economic Council’s Leadership Mississippi program.
Formed in 1949, MEC continues to serve as the State Chamber of Commerce, focusing on broad-based initiatives to improve Mississippi’s economy and business climate. MEC serves as the essential organization for Mississippi businesses to cultivate job creation and economic growth through Advocacy, Research, Resources and Leadership. The resolution congratulates MEC “on 75 years of securing Mississippi’s future.”
Leadership Mississippi is an annual program of the Mississippi Economic Council conducted by the M.B. Swayze Foundation. Participants, selected by a committee of MEC's Leadership Mississippi Alumni, work together in a training program that combines individual study, group sessions, and project experience in using leadership skills, the resolution reads.
Joining Sen. Robinson as co-authors on Senate Resolution 98 were Sen. Jenifer Branning, Sen. Hillman Frazier, Sen. Walter Michel, Sen. David Parker, and Sen. Daniel Sparks.
The resolutions were presented to Scott Waller, CEO of the Mississippi Economic Council, which is often referred to as the State Chamber of Commerce.
Leadership Mississippi is an annual program of the Mississippi Economic Council conducted by the M.B. Swayze Foundation. Participants, selected by a committee of MEC's Leadership Mississippi Alumni, work together in a training program that combines individual study, group session s, and project experience in using leadership skills, the resolution reads.
The resolutions were presented to Scott Waller, CEO of the Mississippi Economic Council, which is often referred to as the State Chamber of Commerce.