MEC Workfuture Tour Survey Template – TEST January 23, 2025 In 2024 the MEC Amplify Tour Survey, 80% of business and community leaders believe the state’s economy is headed in the right direction. As MEC begins to develop its WorkFuture Initiative, we want to dig deeper into Mississippi’s economy and opportunities for improving our state’s business climate:What are the top three challenges businesses face in the current economy?(Required)Select exactly 3 choices. Inflation Supply chain issues Workforce shortages Regulatory compliance Access to financial capital Competition Other What recent economic trend has had the greatest impact on your business?(Required) Rising costs Consumer demand changes Technological advancements Market volatility Other Do you feel confident about the economic outlook for the next 12 months?(Required) Very Confident Somewhat Confident Neutral Somewhat Unconfident Very Unconfident What barrier do you face in expanding your business?(Required) Workforce availability Access to financing Regulatory hurdles Lack of demand Competition Other What is your expectation for your organization’s staffing this year?(Required) Increasing your workforce Decreasing your workforce Maintaining your workforce The 2024 MEC Amplify Survey also revealed that 88% of business and community leaders believe the lack of access to childcare is a barrier for some Mississippians looking to enter the workforce. We want to look closer at this issue.What is a common hardship or barrier for parents at your company regarding child care?(Required) Finding high-quality, affordable child care Finding options for child care in the local community Finding after school care option for older children Accessing special education/needs care Other Of the following, what benefit of child care (either on-site, or near) would be most attractive to your organization and employees?(Required) Attracting quality employees Reducing employee absences Increasing employee productivity Increasing employee retention Aligning child care options with employee’s schedule In what way does your organization support employees who are parents?(Required) Flexible work schedules Remote work option Paid leave (sick, family) Subsidies or tuition for childcare Other The 2024 MEC Amplify Survey also showed business and community leaders believe the state’s workforce training is continuing to improve, as 65% percent said Mississippi is doing a good job preparing the state’s workforce. The MEC WorkFuture initiative hopes to connect more businesses to training opportunities.Does your organization currently offer any employee training programs?(Required) Yes No Considering offering If yes, what is the focus of the training?If yes, do you partner with local educational institutions to provide training?(Required) K-12 Education Community Colleges Institutions of Higher Education None What type of training program would be most beneficial to your workforce development needs?(Required) Apprenticeships Certifications On-the-job training Other Would your company be interested in partnering with local educational institutions or Accelerate Mississippi to develop customized training programs?(Required) Yes No If yes, please list company nameThe 2024 MEC Amplify Survey also revealed affordability and quality of healthcare were the top concerns among business and community leaders. We want to look more closely at how your company is working to assist in developing a healthy workforce.Does your employer provide paid time away from work for your annual preventative wellness screening?(Required) Yes No Considering Would you participate in wellness programs supported by your employer or insurance provider?(Required) Yes No Maybe What is the biggest barrier, other than cost, for engaging in worksite wellness activity?(Required) Access to information Education on healthy habits and programs Availability of wellness programs Inadequate promotion of wellness programs Other Please select your county:(Required)AdamsAlcornAmiteAttalaBentonBolivarCalhounCarrollChickasawChoctawClaiborneClarkeClayCoahomaCopiahCovingtonDesotoForrestFranklinGeorgeGreeneGrenadaHancockHarrisonHindsHolmesHumphreysIssaquenaItawambaJacksonJasperJeffersonJefferson DavisJonesKemperLafayetteLamarLauderdaleLawrenceLeakeLeeLefloreLincolnLowndesMadisonMarionMarshallMonroeMontgomeryNeshobaNewtonNoxubeeOktibbehaPanolaPearl RiverPerryPikePontotocPrentissQuitmanRankinScottSharkeySimpsonSmithStoneSunflowerTallahatchieTateTippahTishomingoTunicaUnionWalthallWarrenWashingtonWayneWebsterWilkinsonWinstonYalobushaYazooCAPTCHA Share This PageTweet